middle text middle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle text asdljfalkjflskdfjsldfaj ldsfjal asdlfjalsdkfjaldkfadfasdljfal kjflskdfjsldfajldsfjaldk asdfasdf ds fdsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf asdlfjalsdk jaldkfadfasdljfalkjflskdfjsldfajldsfj dkf asdlfjalsdkfjal dkfadfasdljfalkjflskd fjsldfajldsfjaldkf asdlfjalsdkfjaldkfadf

middle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle asdljfalkjflskdfjsldfajldsfjaldkf asdlfjalsdkfjaldkfadftextmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle text asdljfalkjflskdfjsldfajldsfjaldkf asdlfjalsdkfjaldkfadf

middle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmasdljfalkjflskdfjsldfajldsfjaldkf asdlfjalsdkfjaldkfadfiddle textmidasdljfalkjflskdfjsldfajldsfjaldkf asdlfjalsdkfjaldkfadfdle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle textmiddle text

plant love, grow peace, ari


1. question one here abcd aslfjdslf sdjfksf sdflskdjf
sdfsdfsdfdsfsdfsd dsfdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdfsdfs asdfsf asdfasdfadsfasfsdf

2. sdlkfjsdlfk asdjfalskfj sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf asdjfwier

3. words words words words question lalala sdlfkjdsfksdlkfj
1. water the dogs
2. reread the "oz" series forewards & backwards until it infultrates my dreams
3. consume as much watermelon sushi as my body can handle
4. asdfjkfsd words words words words LALALAL WHOAOAOAOA SDFSDFA SDFlala
5. more words words words words words words
the kindest people are not born that way, they are made. they are the souls that have epxerienced so much at the hands of life, they are the ones who have dug themselves out of the dark, who have fought to turn every loss into a lesson.- bianca