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    post title



    header text + bold 

    header text + smaller 

    This is to show what different things look like on your theme so it can’t be under read more even though this is long. Feel free to reblog this whenever you are charging your theme / want to show to others.  I hope THIS part is helpful because it will be going along with my tutorial on how to format replies (How I do it). If you want to see all my resources / things I’ve made check right HERE.  Any questions, requests? Send them to my ask box right HERE. You will get another block quote around this but I did include one. Not everyone likes to redo this whole thing themselves each time they make a new theme so here it is, copy + paste or reblog if you find it helpful. LIKE if anything just so I know it was useful.

    with keywords: # tags go here,  
“Walt Whitman, “To One Shortly to Die”, Leaves of Grass
“[Text ID: “I am exact and merciless, but I love you —” ”


    Walt Whitman, “To One Shortly to Die”, Leaves of Grass

    [Text ID: “I am exact and merciless, but I love you —”]

    (via capitae)

    with keywords: # words,  




    with keywords: # photo,  


    with keywords: # taghfjksldkfgjkfldmq,  
    • @chat: text goes here
    • @chat2: text goes here
    • @chat: text goes here
    • @chat2: text goes here
    • @chat: text goes here
    • @chat2: text goes here



    virgos: “let me do it”

    (via capitae)

    with keywords: # the tags go here !,  


    h1 text title!


    This is to show what different things look like on your theme so it can’t be under read more even though this is long. Feel free to reblog this whenever you are charging your theme / want to show to others.  I hope THIS part is helpful because it will be going along with my tutorial on how to format replies (How I do it). If you want to see all my resources / things I’ve made check right here.  Any questions, requests? Send them to my ask box right here. You will get another block quote around this but I did include one. Not everyone likes to redo this whole thing themselves each time they make a new theme so here it is, copy + paste or reblog if you find it helpful. LIKE if anything just so I know it was useful.

    This is what BOLD looks like.

    This is what ITALIC looks like

    This is what HEADER looks like

    This is what ITALIC THEN BOLD looks like

    This is what BOLD THEN ITALIC looks like

    This is what SMALL TEXT looks like.

    This is what SMALL + SUP looks like.

    This is what HEADER + BOLD looks like

    This is what HEADER + ITALIC looks like

    This is what LINKS look like

    • This is what bullet points look like
      • is what it looks like when you hit the tab button
    1. This is what it looks like for number bullet points
      1. if you hit the tab button it looks like this

    This is what block quote looks like


    Lees verder

    with keywords: # tags,